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A member registered Jan 23, 2017

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(1 edit)

Full playthrough here!

and the video on Youtube:

(1 edit)

EDIT: The lore and plot and backstory... Holy hell!  Descriptive, thought out and makes you think of real life history and where humankind might be headed for, if not already at.  Had a few deep moments near the end.  Better ending (like I mentioned in the video) would have been just to BLOW THAT SHIP UP LOL!!!!

I can't believe I found this game!!  it was on the first screen when I opened Itch.  So I decided to stream it.  Super amazing job and also... evil job on some of the jumpscares.  I think my heart has turned into liquid and flowed out my rectum.  You're welcome for the mental image btw.  The lore is sooo well done.  I can't wait to find out how this ends... Totally expecting a sad ending, or tragic death for me (with my luck).  I will be posting highlights from my stream. (  If you see this in time, you might be able to catch it, but highly doubtful, I think I might be almost done.  But like I said, I've been taking lots of clips and highlights as I go, and I will highlight the gameplay and post it here.  10/10 AMAZING JOB!!!!! <3

P.S. The part in the mess hall with the thing sitting down and then turning around... FU! That was good and evil just to go back in and get a damn card hahahahah.  Good jumpscare xD